Identifying Garage Doors

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3 Signs Your Garage Door Needs Repair

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Like any other doors in your property, garage doors need proper and regular maintenance. Failure to keep the garage door in perfect condition can result in serious pinching injuries such as finger amputations, not to mention the inconvenience that a faulty door could cause. Therefore, you need to be on the lookout for the following three main signs that indicate a need for residential garage door repair

1. Your Garage Door Is Sluggish

Different factors could lead to slowness when opening your garage door:

Poor lubrication

Your garage door rollers, tracks, and hinges need to be well lubricated to operate efficiently. Hence, lubricants must be applied to these moving parts as a routine practice. Regular lubrication increases your garage door's durability. Besides, you won't have to hear the screeching noises that occur when the garage door's moving parts experience friction.

During the lubrication process, use the proper lubricant. One common mistake people make is to lubricate greased doors with WD-40 instead of applying silicone or oil as an alternative. WD-40, in this case, acts as a cleanser and removes the lubrication.

For garage doors that operate on nylon rollers, only the bearings should be oiled and not the wheels. Also, the tracks should only be wiped with a cloth or sponge to remove any blockage.


There could be a probability that the settings determine your garage door's speed. If there is no consistency, change the settings. If the settings involve complicated programming, call a residential garage door repair contractor.

Old age

Age could have caught up with your garage doors, and this can be problematic. Therefore, getting a replacement will help you avoid unnecessary issues.

2. Your Doors Are Off Tracks

Garage door rollers facilitate a smooth operation of the door and could cause harm when the rollers get off the tracks. That can happen when lift cables snap or when some components such as horizontal tracks are not well-positioned. You should consider repairing the rollers to ensure that the components stay within the tracks. 

3. Jerking

Typically, garage doors make specific movements, including inward and outward swinging. However, if there is excessive shuddering or shaking, something could be wrong. You could be dealing with loose components. You should also check the springs and oil them if need be.

If you notice any of the above indicators, the signs mean that your garage door is in need of residential garage door repair services. Prompt repairs will go a long way in preventing injuries and saving you extra garage door maintenance expenses.
